Find out how many dining halls there are. Eat at a dining hall while on campus. Ask if students typically eat on or off campus. Is there options available close to campus.
Here are a few of the websites I like that provide College data.
Data Driven Sites:
Student Feedback Sites:
All schools have tons of clubs. Go to the club websites and find out if the clubs are active. How many students are typically accepted into the club annually? How exclusive are the clubs? Do they require interviews and exams for acceptance?
Does the school hold career fairs? How many students typically find internships/job opportunities through the career services.
What is the process for selecting a freshman roommate? Is housing guranteed for all 4 years? What is the average cost of off-campus housing?
How many students on campus are in Greek Life? Is the social life centered around Greek Life?
The College Visit is your chance to get to know the college/university. Here are our suggestions to maximize your visit: